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Syringe Pump



General Beamline Operations

  • Motors
  • SPEC commands
  • Data Collection GUI


  • Multi-Sample Heater GUI
  • Linkam Stage

Syringe Pump



General Beamline Operations

  • Motors
  • SPEC commands
  • Data Collection GUI


  • Multi-Sample Heater GUI
  • Linkam Stage

TriContient Syringe Pump Control 

A. Valves:


6 Way valves connecting to:     

#1: buffer

#2: flow cell

#3: water

#4: bleach

#5: TBA

#6: waste


B. Functions:

Flow direction: flow cell --> valve #2 --> syringe --> waste
Valve position: #2 & #6, automatically chosen by program
Often use for manually washing the flow cell.

Wash the flow cell automatically with water, bleach, buffer, etc.
Flow direction: washing bottles --> syringe --> valve #2 --> flow cell --> funnel --> waste Valve position: automatically chosen by program

The automatic washing includes sequential washings: TWO times washing with WATER, TWO times with BLEACH, THREE times with WATER, and optional washing with your buffer.

 !!! When you do washing, make sure the tubing pointing to the waste funnel !!!


Running Samples:
In this section, one can load sample and run it. The sample will be pushed back and forth to reduce possible radiation damages.
Note: the pump speed and volume to operate can be set.
The net volume at the end of this section should be ZERO, otherwise, air will be accumulated or pump will not be able to run correctly.
Valve position: automatically chosen by program

Draw Air:
To obtain smooth flow, the tubing should be filled with liquid. Draw air gap to separate the sample/buffer to the rest liquid in the tubing/flow cell.

Draw Sample:
Load sample. No air bubbles are allowed to be sucked in at this step.

Shake/flow: Push the sample back and forth. If the radio button "Collect Data?" is selected, scattering data will be collected while the sample flows. Set proper Speed and Repeats values to cover the data collect period.
"Collect Data?" box: data collection command entered here. For example, "sleep(3); takeshot s1 1.0 30 3.0" means: data collection will occur at 3 seconds after the sample begins to flow; the data file name will be "s1"; x-ray exposure time will be 1.0 second; 30 frames of images will be collected; data will be collected every 3.0 seconds (i.e. 1.0 second with x-ray on sample and 2.0 seconds without x-ray on sample for this case).

Auto/M Return: Supposedly, pump will automatically return the sample to the sample tube in this step. Occasionally, pump may miss this command and does not return sample. Check if the samples is returned, if not, push the button and manually return the sample.

Manual Return:
This step is intentionally to bring pump to zero position after removing sample tube. After pump moves to zero position, it is ready to run the next sample.

Check Syringe Position
The status box reports the syringe position(volume) and valve position. the Check button can be used to check/update the syringe and valve positions.

Syringe and Valve Operations

  • changing valve position, select the desired valve (L1-6) and push the Change button.
  • move syringe by Tweak+ or Tweak- button with desired volume and speed. Tweak+ will load liquid and Tweak- will unload liquid.

Other Functions
Initialize button will bring syringe to default position, i.e., zero volume and valve #6.

Automatic Sample Changer (AutoSampler)

C. Known problems and trouble-shootings

Problem: All operation commands are sending through network, therefore, commands may be lost.
Answer: Always check the status and see if the pump acts as expected. If not, repeat the action.

Problem: While Running Samples, the Auto/M Return function supposedly automatically return sample, however, occasionally, this command may be ignored.
Answer:  Check the sample tube or the volume if the sample is returned. If not, click Auto/M Return button to return sample.

Problem: Pump program is frozen.
Answer: Find the terminal where the program was started, press keys "Ctrl" + "z" to terminate the program. In folder /home/beams/S12IDB/python_codes/triContinent, run "python triCont6WPyQt.py" to restart the program.  

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