Instruction on Sample Mounting & Beamline Operation
Click to Input Sample Info:a.Solid SAXS/WAXS b.Capillary Samples c.GISAXS/WAXS d.Bio Samples e.Non-bio/organic Liquid
(staff use only) |
Instruction on Preparing and Packing 96-well Plate(s):Place the 96-well plate on a 96-well plate rack, and load samples.
 Apply a pierceable aluminum sealing film(this or similar) on the plate and seal it using a sealer machine or simply with a soft rubber roller(like this). Mark the assigned plate#. Note: DO NOT use polymer sealing films, which easily deform and cause leaking during shipping.
the sealed 96-well plate(s) in a box with proper packing materials, to
prevent the plate(s) from bending/deforming, being pierced, and /or
other damages during shipping. The box is ready to pack in the shipping container and it can be shipped on cold pack or dry ice.
